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week in a wrap



- beautiful, simple yet very stylish and unique iPhone wallpapers with a wonderful note that everyone should remember - ready to download on LOVELY INDEED
- I love when people turn simple walktrough woods into a beautiful photo memory and that's exactly what BONNIE from FLASHES OF STYLES did
- New recipe for my recipe book - MINI KEY LIME PIES from CHALK WHITE ARROW - super simple to make and looks soooo tasty


Christmas cards!
I decided that this year my hubby and I should finally start the tradition of sending our own personal christmas cards to friends and family. And I also thought it would be great to make them instead order someone else to make them for us! So, I'm currently working on our FIRST PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS design and I know I gotta do it quickly as a christmas cards sending season will start in a blink of an eye.


Perfect dinner at home with my friends and coleagues Tanja and Tajchi - lots of fun, laugh and wine! (That's why there are no pictures of that lovely evening!)

- etsy saturday -

And how was your weekend?

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